Toileting Wheelchair for Senior Care Institutions

use in institutional services

Use in Institutional Services

Does this sound familiar? 

"Usually, you go by yourself to answer a light, so then you would have to find your co-worker and get help to come back and go in. If you have to get the lift, you have to get the lift, hook the lift up, and then transfer on. This way, with just having the chair, we can just take them in right when they say they need to and take them in and help them with their clothes, and then they can go. So it cuts at least 10 minutes down off of time, just with the wait." Kim RN at Skilled Care Facility

The Dignity® All Day 400 is a toileting wheelchair designed to help the user get to the toilet faster and safer without dangerous lifting and transfers, as the user stays in the wheelchair. The user may need minor assistance with adjusting clothing or clean up after, but the benefits of this toileting wheelchair a clear for both the user and caregiver. 

"Incontinence, the staff has reported, has improved with the residents with continence. With those that have urgency and frequency, we can take them a lot faster and easier. Because it doesn't require as many staff, and can use one person to help them to the bathroom. As before, we had to get the stand, another person to help with those transfers. It took a little longer to get them there, and therefore would be more incontinent." - Kim - RN at Skilled Care Facility.

The Dignity® will help you and your staff save time and money as, most times, only one staff member is needed to assist the patient. In addition, since there is zero lifting, there is no potential for toileting-related falls or hurt staff members lifting more than they should. 

"It only takes one staff person to put them on the toilet with that chair. As opposed to it taking two staff members to do it. So they would have to wait; sometimes, she would become incontinent, waiting for staff to help them. And it takes less time for them (staff) to put them on or off with the Dignity® wheelchair than it did before having to transfer them." - Stephanie - CNA at Skilled Care Facility 

We get a lot of questions about the wheelchair since this is so new to so many. We have prepared a FAQ to help with some of our most common questions. 


Dignity® All Day 400 Common Questions Answered

Can the wheelchair be used in an institutional setting (nursing home)?  

Yes, two separate trials were completed in nursing home settings with positive results. One positive result was the total time required to take a resident to the bathroom was reduced from 46 total minutes (required two aides without the Dignity® AllDay 400 wheelchair) down to under 7 minutes (and only one aide with the Dignity® AllDay 400 wheelchair). If you are aware of a nursing home with staffing issues, the Dignity® AllDay 400 wheelchair can pay for itself in a short period of time and improve the safety of the user and the caregiver! The other positive result was the cleanliness of the Dignity® AllDay 400 wheelchair – the wheelchair only required to be cleaned/sanitized at the end of each day (unless a special occurrence requires immediate attention).

How easy is it for the user/caregiver to remove the user's clothing? 

Depending on the user's abilities, the user will lean side-to-side (utilizing the sturdy, built-in-the-frame armrests) to scooch their clothing off prior to using the toilet. If a caregiver is available/required, this same process is followed with the assistance of the caregiver. The users/caregivers have found that clothing removal is just as easy as utilizing a strap system for a Hoyer lift (which is most common for transferring a patient from a wheelchair to the toilet – but with greater risk, since the Dignity® AllDay 400 does not require a transfer to and from the toilet).

What about cleanliness? Doesn't the chair get dirty? 

In long-term in-home use and institutional tests and studies, the wheelchair does not get any more soiled than if you were using the toilet normally. If and when the wheelchair does become soiled. Clean-up is quick and easy with a rag and some soapy water. The cushions are medical-grade vinyl and will stand up to cleaning. 

"They are pretty easy to clean. That's really easy to wipe off and clean." - Stephanie CNA Skilled Care Facility

"No worries about hygiene or dirtiness. Staff said it wasn't hard to clean." Kim

The price seems more expensive than a normal wheelchair, why?  

The Dignity® AllDay 400 wheelchair is a specialty wheelchair that required substantial engineering and components to provide the "no-transfer" toileting functionality. In addition, the wheelchair is made in the USA. If you compare the cost of the Dignity® AllDay 400 wheelchair to the average monthly cost of in-home health care in the United States, the wheelchair will pay for itself in less than 90 days.

Why is the wheelchair referred to as an all-day wheelchair?  

The Dignity® AllDay 400 wheelchair was developed with maximum safety in mind. Ideally, the user gets out of bed and gets into the wheelchair (on their own or with assistance); then spends their entire day safely in the wheelchair. The dual-layer foam seat cushion was agreed upon after having tested over 40 different combinations of foam to provide maximum support and cushion while minimizing the potential for bed sores. Therefore, a person can comfortably and safely sit in the wheelchair all day!*

Why is the wheelchair built only as a heavy-duty model?  

Due to the requirements associated with the center-section drop seat mechanism, the chair frame and front wheel casters require extra strength to accommodate this feature. The stationary portion of the frame is what requires extra strength to ensure stability.

The chair seat seems extra deep, is this correct?  

Yes, the depth of the chair seat is an extra two inches (2") deep to ensure proper placement over top of the toilet. This extra depth permits the center-section drop seat to be dropped down when using the bathroom and allows the center-section cushion to act as a "bumper" when backing the wheelchair over the toilet.

What's so special about the front wheel caster assemblies?  

The patented TruGlide front caster assemblies were specifically developed for the Dignity® AllDay 400 wheelchair. Due to the drop seat functionality of the wheelchair, the front caster assemblies needed to be able to provide extra strength and safety. This unique caster assembly acts as a three-dimensional shock absorber as well as accommodating a unique "anti-flutter" feature.  

Wouldn't it be easier to just install additional grab bars in the bathroom to provide additional safety?  

Additional grab bars do not eliminate the need for transfer. The Dignity® AllDay 400 wheelchair allows its user to use the toilet with maximum safety by not requiring a transfer to and from the toilet – just back over the toilet do your business, and wheel away. In addition, many studies have shown that when an individual falls in the bathroom, the grab bars are what the individual hits their head on when they fall!

Want to learn more about this Self Toileting Wheelchair? 

Download out Nursing Home Case Study to see more benefits of this wheelchair and how purchasing the Dignity® All Day 400 for staff and residents is a wonderful business decision.