How to Age in Place: 4 Ideas!

We want our loved ones to stay safely at home as long as possible but don't always know where to start. The key is to make homes disability-accessible and consider upgrading their wheelchairs.

Here are 4 ways to stay out of the nursing home.

Modify Home Access Points.

If the home has stairs, consider installing a wheelchair-accessible ramp with barrier assistance. Consider modifying back doors to accommodate wheelchair occupants as well. 

Modify Hallways and Doorways.

Opening up hallways and doorways to allow them to be wheelchair accessible. This step also allows for the modification of doors. Consider installing offset door hinges. This allows for doors to move away from the doorway, making it easier for wheelchairs to navigate through the home.

Consider a No-Transfer Wheelchair.

Majestic Medical has designed The Dignity® AllDay 400. These wheelchairs allow the user to toilet independently without needing to be transferred, eliminating falls and injuries. It has a lever-action drop-seat with adjustable height to fit a variety of toilets, allowing the user to toilet in peace. Then use the lever to bring the drop seat upright and roll away.

Apply for Grants.

There are grants provided to those with disabilities and can help with modifications to the home and help with living costs. A couple of those grants are listed below:

The US Department of Veterans Affairs: This grant helps veterans and service members with specific service-connected disabilities. They can use the grant money to purchase or construct a home or modify a current home.

Rebuilding Together AmeriCorps: This grant helps many people build new homes or modify existing ones. In addition, they work with families who have members living with a disability to repair or modify homes. 
