"It was the first time I was able to use the bathroom by myself in 7 years."
- Dignity User
No bodily transfer required when using the toilet
The wheelchair allows the occupant of the chair to toilet throughout the day without the need for bodily transfer to and from the toilet. Safer toileting and better life quality for the user and caregiver alike.

How The Dignity® AllDay 400 Helps Eliminate Transfers

Drop Seat
Simply lower the drop seat with the easily accessible handle.

Back Over Toilet
Adjust clothing, and back the chair over the toilet.

Get Back to Life!
Clean up and get on with your day. Simple, Quick, Independance
Read More about the Dignity® AllDay 400

Dignity® AllDay 400 Nursing Home Case Study
Want to read more about how the Dignity® AllDay 400 Wheelchair is changing lives?